Spikey (apologies to Spike).. but they really are

We planted this monster last year, after it had flowered (and before we had it) so had no idea on the shape/size or type it would be. It has all the ‘charm’ of a thistle, with GolfBall size flowers. It is alledgedly Echinops.

One of the 'Spikey' Flowers...

One of the ‘Spikey’ Flowers…


A bit more detail…


DSCN1094Interesting curve to the stem.. it curved because I staked it upright when it looked like it would fall over!

Finally … IT!


Echinops Ritro

Echinops Ritro

Once it flowers I will update this post. It should be impressive…..!

3 thoughts on “Spikey (apologies to Spike).. but they really are

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